Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Top 10 Home Remedies For Dark Circles Under Eyes

Wheel black eyes may destroy the beauty of each face. They tend to blame sleep late at night, but fatigue is not the only problem.

Shadows can also occur due to aging and the loss of collagen and fat that cause the thinning of the skin. Hereditary, alcohol and caffeinated beverages are also other reasons. To solve the problem of shadows under the eyes, here is a collection of 10 ..

Home Top 10 ways the shadows under the eyes:

Water: Dehydration can be a reason. Experts recommend keeping to August 8 oz glasses of water a day skin moisture and freshness. Water helps remove toxins and reduce shadows.

Almond oil and honey almond scrub property is proposed to activate the cells are moving in the skin around the eyes, so that the treatment of the shadows. For this purpose, you can regularly be mixed for 10 minutes with almond oil, honey and its use in rings around the eyes.

Rosewater: Relaxation and recreation are the property of the rose water is more effective to reduce the shadows under the eyes. To do this, cotton balls soaked in rose water 5-6 drops to your eyes closed for about 15 minutes will be applied.

Cucumber and Lemon: You have a lot of vitamin C. This package can damage by free radicals, prevent the treatment of the shadows under the eyes. Combine two tablespoons of grated cucumber teaspoon lemon juice and apply to the eyes for 15 minutes.

Vitamin K: It is assumed that vitamin K can try the capillaries around the eyes, the normal blood flow and treatment of the eye circles promotes damage. You get a regular supply of vitamin K with cabbage, kale, kiwi, etc.

Cut the potatoes: It is assumed that the relaxing effect of the potato can help to solve this problem. Therefore, a thin slice of potato can be placed in each lid closed for about 10 minutes.

Regular sleep: Experts say that good sleep may contribute to the healthy skin to treat the problem, with dark eye circles.

Bags of tea: antioxidant properties of green tea in the presence of polyphenols, catechins, etc. can reduce the shadows. You can put cold tea bags (green) with closed eyes, and 15 minutes per day.

Currency: The currency due to the presence of antioxidant flavonoids, can help to minimize the damage of free radicals in the cells of the eye, so that the treatment of the shadows. You can crush the mint and apply it in their eyes.

Turmeric and pineapple: the presence of curcumin (an antioxidant), turmeric, you can handle free radicals in the cells around the eyes caused, so that the treatment of the shadows. You can apply turmeric powder and pineapple juice to the eyes for 10 minutes every day .

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