Tuesday, April 10, 2018

A Diet to Follow After Colon Cancer Surgery

Colon cancer surgery is serious surgery. If the people a right colon cancer a few options that can prevent recurrence of colorectal cancer have. One of the most important factors for colorectal cancer is a fatty food. A diet rich in fat intake significantly increases the amount of bile acids, which are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. If the bile acids the colon can actually be a secondary bile acids. These secondary bile acids may promote colon tumors. It is very important to avoid after the surgery and colorectal cancer, a recurrence of cancer, a diet low in fat.

Another good way to prevent cancer is to eat a diet rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants as an important principle in the fight against cancer and other cancers in the body known. Antioxidants in the body’s immune system acts as an incentive to the line of defense against free radicals.

Foods that are rich in antioxidants from fruits and vegetables. Certain types of tea are rich in antioxidants. There are two important antioxidants selenium and beta-carotene. These two antioxidants are caused by free radicals responsible for the support of injury. Doctors recommend eating foods that are rich in antioxidants, and supplements.

Folic acid, calcium and vitamin D are a valuable asset in the fight of cancer rectum. Folic acid helps to create new tissues and cells in the body. More folic acid is responsible for the maintenance of healthy red blood cells. Foods high in folic acid are green vegetables and citrus fruits. Recent studies have shown that calcium and vitamin D play an important role in the fight against cancer. It is important foods such as yogurt, cheese, milk, sardines, salmon eat, mustard greens and vegetables.

After surgery for colorectal cancer, the person must be paid in fiber. Fiber is designed to lose to improve the health of the people move faster through the digestive system. There are many products that are good sources of dietary fiber. Some of these foods are blueberries, prunes, whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, rice and beans.

Following a special diet after surgery for colorectal cancer, choose foods that are derived from natural plant sources. Also limit the consumption of fatty foods. Many of the foods and animal fats. Remember do not use regularly to maintain a healthy weight. After the surgery, interest of the individual limit is cancer of alcoholic beverages. All these suggestions may help to combat cancer .

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