Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Coffee Health – New Antioxidant on the Block

Green coffee was a new player in the anti-oxidants. Green coffee extract has been found that the antioxidant activity stronger antioxidants than green tea and grape seed oil instead.

The active ingredient in coffee, is responsible for its health benefits, combined called chlorogenic acid. It neutralizes free radicals and fix the problem, hydroxyl, can cause cell degeneration, if not corrected. Chlorogenic acid helps regulate the metabolism. Compared to green tea and grape seed extract, green coffee is twice as effectively absorb oxygen free radicals.

One of the advantages of using green beans, coffee extract that to avoid them, the negative effects of coffee. It is believed that the chlorogenic acid on glucose metabolism, by the way it was absorbed by the body improves. It contains acid, coffee, from the level of energy, such as coffee or inspired regularly. But unlike boiled coffee, car tires, the grip is not cafestol, diterpene. Relative kahweol diterpene, cafestol high LDL “bad” cholesterol to a level that can in a lifetime risk of coronary heart disease by more than 20% of that increase diterpenes also had an effect on the liver measured values. If they are large, an indicator of stress in the liver. However, studies have shown that the activities of this phenomenon is only temporary and that the level of liver enzymes were significantly lower than in patients with liver damage.

Since the health effects of diterpenes found in regular coffee clear that the filter only drink a coffee, none of them has no effect on cholesterol levels or liver were. Filter coffee diterpenes eliminate crime. And levels of diterpenes and instant coffee are low.

It is interesting that studies of caffeine and liver disease, have also indicated they could support liver health, since some people. High risk of liver disease, alcohol abuse were less vulnerable to liver damage if they drank more than two cups of coffee or tea per day. This was a study of the population, not a clinical study, which is not decisive in this matter. But it offers a promising information. With more than two or more cups per day had half the risk of developing liver disease than those who drank less than one cup per day. The scientists do not know what caused this protective effect.

Review health coffee filter calcium from the bones. But this was as closed, at least for children. And adults who consume adequate calcium is protected by a small amount of calcium is lost due to coffee consumption.

So the old principle that caffeine slows down the myth of the child. Based on the fact that previous studies of caffeine was associated with low bone mass, and studies have been conducted, and older people drank too much coffee and a diet containing little calcium. Recent studies in the United States has 80 children over 6 years and found the difference in bone density in patients with a high concentration of caffeine in your diet than children who have the caffeine. Other studies have shown that the loss is small of calcium from the bones and can be replaced in your diet with enough calcium .

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