Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Natural Health Therapies and Cancer – Part Three

This article is in a range of natural therapies and cancer-thirds. The published material should be able to inform the adjuvant cancer are found in a medical environment. These treatments can be used in combination with other cancer therapies. They are not intended for medical care. In previous articles, where we have a cause of cancer types and stages, and food may cause cancer and contribute to economic growth. This article focuses on the fight against cancer, herbal treatment as the fight against cancer.

Herbal therapy is also known as phytotherapy or Phytomedicine. As you know earlier articles, the word plant facility. This type of treatment has focused on the fight against cancer, herbal remedies and plant concentrates and it has been used for centuries to treat many diseases. Many of these plants were examined pharmaceutical companies in order to isolate the active ingredients of drugs. Examples of digital keys (for digital use), alkaloids (for reserpine) and opium (morphine).

consider the fight against cancer and herbal supplements in this article are listed below in alphabetical order. Since the height of the grass, only able to cover every moment. But it gives us a starting point to the library to monitor more information. Remember that the “grass” is not “safe.” Although herbal treatments are usually slower than the medication, side effects can occur if the wrong dose or low-quality grass plants has been misused. In addition, possible interactions with drugs. Always consult your doctor before taking any treatment.

Effects of various herbs on cancer has been studied and documented in many studies around the world. The results show that the work of the herbs:

contribute or DNA repair

Impact on production or oxidation

or the promotion of protective enzymes

Activation or enzyme activity of cancer

or produce results oygenating

The fight against cancer, herbal and botanical supplementation of many health professionals used:

Chlorella algae, sea vegetables and green drinks with a high level of antioxidants that help to clean up the damage caused by free radicals. Albumin, vitamins and minerals, chlorella important than the addiction.

Aloe Vera for burns, wounds and minor skin irritations, the data show that the plant has the ability to fight cancer. An important element called aloe vera acemannan showed considerable ability as a stimulant and immune system.

Amygdala is also known as laetrile, a substance found in the pits of apricots and other fruits. It has been used for centuries and produced cyanide compound to judge the cancer cells.

Astragalus herb is used widely in China, often in collaboration with ginseng. Studies show that the growth of natural killer cells (NK Reduced), the stress hormone cortisol, increased interferon.

Cat’s Claw Peru tribal practice of medicine, this herb antioxidant and cancer. Studies have shown that the immune system and strengthens the digestive system.

Echinacea is a plant that showed the known properties that strengthen the immune system. The results show the growth of NK cell activity 90-221%. Echinacea supports to combat problems such as secondary infections.

Essiac Tea is a plant originally used in Native Americans. It contains burdock, sorrel, Indian rhubarb, elm and other herbs. It has been shown that the functioning of the immune system, reduce inflammation and improve the reduction of toxic side effects of many medications.

Flavonoids, a group of phytochemicals found in fruits and vegetables. These substances are extremely high in antioxidants. This group includes quercetin, rutin, citrinella, hesperidin, anthocyanins and proanthocyanins.

Garlic is not enough scientific evidence for this folk medicine have long known that the researchers have the first World Congress of the importance of the health components of garlic and garlic at the end of 1980 completed. Studies indicate the possibility of an early garlic tumor growth by increasing activity of NK cells and T lymphocytes suppress in garlic, also prevents the adhesion of cancer cells to prevent the blood vessels in the metastasis.

Gingko biloba is a plant for thousands of years Chinese medicine uses. One of its components interfere, gingkolide B with the body chemicals that promote tumor growth. Gingko is also high in antioxidants.

Ginseng has been used for centuries in Asia crops have been documented to improve the immune system properties. Stimulates the activity of NK cells and macrophages and promoting antibody.

Pycogenols active ingredients in grape seed oil grape seed and pine bark can be powerful antioxidants found so far. Studies show that it is 50 times stronger than vitamin E and 20 times higher than vitamin C, the damage by free radicals to be reduced.

Green tea is a popular drink in China and Japan, green tea reduces the throat and liver. This is due to antioxidants in green tea, much more than vitamin E in the average daily consumption of green tea in Asia 20 to 10 cups.

Haelen 851 is a liquid made from fermented soy expert made. The product contains zinc, selenium, vitamin A, B1, B2, B12, C, D, E and K. It also contains plenty of isoflavones genistein was found that cancer cells to increase the death, inhibit the growth of blood vessels in tumors to regulate the hormonal activities and provide other anti-cancer.

Hansi homeopathic combination of 10 plants, materials, Hansi has been shown that NK cell activity to enhance the immune system. The main elements of the formula of tropical and desert plants like cactus, aloe, arnica, Lachesis and licopodium. Argentina, this model is available in the U.S. supply of three months.

Hoxsey herbs is that the herbal preparations containing red clover, burdock root, buckthorn, barberry bark, only Stilling, chaparral, licorice, prickly ash bark bitter bark. Used in 1840 to present documents, such as institutions antioxidant, cancer and anti-inflammatory effects of estrogen. They have also shown that increase immunity and prevent the growth of blood vessels in tumors.

Iscador (GUI), which had the doctors in 1920, it Iscador increase the length and quality of life, stabilization of the tumor, reducing the incidence of cancer and improve the general condition of the patient. Function of the immune system, such as NK-cell growth within 24 hours of treatment with Iscador.

Larch arabinogalactan is a mix of complex carbohydrates in the western larch. Studies have shown that increased activity of NK cells, macrophages, and chemicals called cytokines, immune stimulant.

Maitake Mushrooms, Maitake, Reishi and Shiitake mushrooms have shown that NK cells and promote the activities of antibodies. Maitake mushrooms are always the best results in preventing cancer growth and metastasis.

Pau d’Arco plant extract from the inner bark of certain trees in the jungles of South America, the anti-cancer properties are lost. Key lapachol part of a unique composition, which causes the molecular biological activity against cancer.

Pectin, modified citrus fruit is fiber, which has been amended to show the improvement of the immune system. Studies show that modified citrus pectin improves the function of T cells and NK cells and the immune system.

Silymarin is also known as milk thistle, this herb is rich in antioxidants and flavonoids. It has been shown to protect against liver damage. Studies show that silymarin to accelerate the recovery of damaged liver tissue. This is important for cancer patients, because all the toxins, such as chemotherapy drugs, the liver is filtered and toxins can cause excessive liver diseases.

The main ingredient of turmeric and curry, this plant in India and a member of the ginger family. Studies show that a powerful antioxidant activity, inhibits tumor growth and promote the formation of certain cancers and reduce the production of certain enzymes in cancer.

In the next section we will examine the device used to treat cancer. These methods are detoxification, dental, water, heat therapy, body / movement and therapeutic massage and Qi Gong. I hope that this material is useful and informative. The contents of the article is part of the e-books on my site .

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