Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Prostate Cancer and Enlarged Prostate – Causes, Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment

We know that in 40 years, the amount of increases as a by-product prolactin of testosterone of men, to promote the production of the enzyme 5-alpha causes of testosterone and DHT, testosterone and prostate gihydro based prostate cancer. Therefore, the symptoms of prostate cancer and prostate cancer to avoid risk is of course of testosterone into DHT. Unfortunately, aging is not the only cause of prostate cancer and prostate cancer. In this article we are other causes of prostate cancer and prostate cancer will discuss.

I. Causes of an enlarged prostate and prostate cancer

First genetic

Genetics may also be relevant that show prostate and studies indicate that prostate cancer and prostate cancer can from one generation to be inherited.

Second hormonal imbalance

If a typical person, the average age in abdominal fat and muscle spasms, the most important factor that determines a hormonal imbalance is increased. hormonal imbalance due to depression, stress and anxiety are common psychological complications of hormone balance.

The third cell growth factor

For some reason, some people within the prostate involved a growth factor.

Fourth mineral deficiency

Our prostate contains high zinc-rule. Zinc deficiency causes the prostate to enlarge. This may be due to aging or uncontrolled consumption of excessive alcohol consumption.

Fifth Obesity

The study shows that unchecked power, which are rich in saturated fats and trans fats is a major cause of hormonal imbalance, which is characterized by the enlargement of the prostate. Researchers speculate that eating too many calories contribute somehow directly to prostate enlargement because the excess body fat will accumulate various hormones.

Sixth Testosterone

Testosterone deficiency may by too much prolactin-product of testosterone in the body of the men, nor stimulates the enzyme 5-alpha results in a number of testosterone into DHT, which in turn leads to prostate gihydro testosterone. of estrogen appears to be the culprit for prostate enlargement, leading to diseases and to promote the development of prostate cancer.

III. Symptoms

The first bed-wetting.

Bed-wetting is defined waking at night to urinate one-or several times. The most common age to come for the people. This common pattern of people with this disease is to increase the number of times, get up at night to urinate on the rest of his life.

Nocturnal polyuria is an important reason for bed-wetting, in which there is overproduction of urine at night. It indicates the amount of urine at night is more than 20-30% of the entire 24-hour urine. Bedwetting is more common in older people. It was also observed in men and women differently. Generally, women are suffering from the birth of a child in the night, menopause, pelvic disorders in men i. bedwetting can be associated directly with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), also known as the prostate.

Another dysuria.

Dysuria is a complication of infection, kidney-related system typically causes pain on urination because the infection of the urinary tract and cause urinary tract infections. Pain during urination in men is usually a sign of complications of the prostate, commonly caused by hormonal imbalances as the prostate with estrogen-related production.

Third, asymptomatic

As we all know his age, that the enlargement of the prostate. Asymptomatic inflammation of the prostate infection can solve during the fight, the cell often symptoms of prostate problems with urination, fever and back and pelvis are diagnosed.

Fourth brucellosis

Epididymitis is inflammation of the epididymis connects with the core of the vas deferens. Epididymitis is usually caused by an infection of the urethra and bladder. Brucellosis can start low-grade fever, chills, feeling pregnant and nuclear should be sensitive to pressure or train.

III. Prevention and treatment

A. Food

First Tomato

Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which protect the prostate and conservation may sound, but raw tomatoes is hard to swallow. Make sure you take the tomatoes and leafy vegetables help the absorption of lycopene.

Another beans and vegetables

Studies have shown that isoflavones have much to prevent cancer cells in mice implanted with prostate cancer. Try milk or wheat or rice porridge in the morning.

Another Grapefruit

Grapefruit is rich in vitamin C to prevent, minerals, chemicals and other products bioflavonnoids prostate, prostate cancer and other cancers and heart disease.

Third Papaya

Papaya is rich in antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids and flavonoids, the heart-protective effect of anti-y food to promote health and prevent papaya, an enlarged prostate, lung and prostate cancer prevention.

Fourth Beans

Pentakisphosphate grains are rich in inositol. Grains are rich in fiber, which helps rid the body of excess testosterone, reducing testosterone and DHT, testosterone gihydro cause prostate and other things.

Fifth Green Tea

Green tea contains antioxidant phytochemicals polyphenols attack growth factors and proteins in the disruption of processes, increased tumors known to prevent their spread to other parts of the body. Green tea also helps to prevent the development of benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate enlargement and prostate cancer.

Sixth Broccoli

Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, has much sulforaphane, secondary plant compounds to treat cancer, the removal of excess testosterone and helps reduce the risk of prostate cancer and BPH protatic.

Seventh cold-water fish

Cold water fish contain large amounts of fatty acids, omega-3. Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids, which prevent that help cancer, much less omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer.

B. Equipment

The first Bee Pollen

Bee pollen is an antioxidant, rich in flavonoids, zinc and many other necessary elements of our body. He has an impressive reverse prostate cancer and prostate problems, such as the prostate.

Second Prostate

Prostate animals contain high levels of zinc, which nourishes the human prostate.

Third Alanine

Since aminotransferase prostatic fluid, which plays an important role in prostate health. This is supported by some studies that Alanine prevents prostate cancer confirms and strengthens the immune system.

Fourth glutamic

Fluid produced by the prostate also contains abundant glutamic acid, and may in the normal function of the prostate to participate. Large glutamate can not consume to headache and neurological problems and people with kidney or liver disease should high doses of amino acids without consulting your doctor.

Fifth Wistar

Glycine is also quite high in the prostatic fluid and thus may be relevant to the health of the prostate. It is the protein and nucleic acid synthesis to build RNA structure of DNA, bile acids and other amino acids in the body. The study shows that glycine, glutamic acid withalanine be taken to reduce inflammation in the tissue of the prostate.

Sixth lycopene

Substance found in tomatoes, fruit and vegetables can help prevent and reduce inflammation of the prostate and prostate cancer. Studies have shown that lycopene reduces DNA damage in prostate cells. Lycopene protects LDL.

Herb C.

The first Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto is the number one when it comes to the health of the prostate. A recent study by the American Society of Cell shows that Saw Palmetto inhibits the growth of cancer cells in vitro. It has long been used herbs to an enlarged prostate in men. It can also be used to treat prostate cancer. This herb has no side effects and rarely causes mild stomach upset and diarrhea.

Another Ginseng

Root has been used for centuries in the Asian medical, sexual, tonic for the well-being and healing. American ginseng is useful in the treatment of prostate diseases without testosterone and androgens. Also to prevent the spread of cancer cells in various cancers, including lung, colon and prostate cancer.

Third, Corn Silk

Corn Silk contains certain medicinal properties, to help reduce the inflammation of the prostate. Corn Silk is also popular alternative to western medicine standards for the treatment of obesity and night.

Fourth Pumpkin Seed Extract

Pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc and fatty acids is a prostate health. Pumpkin seed extract helps to tone muscles of the bladder, sphincter and relaxation by recongest prostate.

Pygeum africanum Fifth

Pygeum africanum is a lot of phytosterols are substances that the biosynthesis of prostaglandins, which inhibit equivalent to an inflammation of the prostate. Phytosterols also help to reduce prostate size, reduce the growth of normal urination and the cholesterol deposit in the prostate, BPH arise.


 Research shows that essiac hold strong antioxidant activity and protect DNA that common features are a natural anti-cancer drugs.

Seventh UVA Ursi

Bearberry is an evergreen shrub long. It is used in 150AD by various civilizations, to infections of the urinary tract, kidney, bladder dysfunction to treat, and prostate cancer.

Eighth Soy flavorless

Have shown that increased consumption of soy associated with lower risk of prostate cancer. In vitro studies have shown that soy isoflavones inhibit the growth of androgen sensitive and androgen-independent cancer cells.

D. If the Chinese herbs

The first Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto is used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine to treat pain, inflammation and enlargement by inhibiting dihydrotestosterone, resulting in a stimulation of the proliferation of cancer cells.

Another Patrini (Bai Jiang Cao)

Patrini helps the body get rid of prostate inflammation and damp heat that a body. In Chinese medicine can moist heat of a prostate infection caused by bacteria, medications and other customary conditions caused to eat hot, spicy or fatty foods.

Third, Lu Lu Tong (liquid amber)

Lu Lu Tong has the potential of the flow of qi and blood to improve. It also helps to reduce the abdominal, back and knees caused by the damp heat and difficult urination because of inflammation of the bladder or the prostate.

He Shou Wu Fourth

Including derivatives Shou Wu tetrahydroxystilbene more.

Fifth Niu Xi (Achyranthes)

Sixth Gui Zhi (Tokoro)

Gui Zhi is used for urinary tract Ying Qi refers to a level which is the main cause of the inflammation of the prostate. It is also used for tonic and blood purifier.

Seventh Astragalus root

Astragalus root is a perennial legume growth. Chinese medicine used dried or powdered roots of plants, improve the immune system, increase the activity of white blood cells, more antibodies. It also increases the body resistance against infections, allergies, and manage the growth and vitality.

Eighth , It Qian Zi (Plantago Seeds)

It is mainly due to lower grooves strand burner damp heat, pain and symptoms of pain Lumbus and abdomen, poor urination or blood in the urine, kidney stones and rocks.

E. Vitamins and minerals

As in previous articles, we know that after 40 years, prolactin, testosterone increases the product of the people, by promoting the production of the enzyme 5-alpha causes of testosterone and DHT, testosterone shooting gihydro hypertrophy of the prostate and other problems. There are no other reasons, the aging of the prostate and some of them may cause prostate cancer. In addition to food and nutrition, herbs, vitamins and minerals play an important role in the prevention and treatment of prostate cancer and prostate cancer.

The first zinc

Zinc is an essential mineral male sexual health and prostate. Zinc inhibits the absorption of testosterone into prolactin. Prostate zinc is higher than any other organ in the body, so that zinc deficiency is a major cause of prostate cancer early detection of prostate cancer.

Another selenium

Selenium is an antioxidant enzyme to stop the immune response of cancer cells, improve and control the initial development of cell damage that can lead to cancer to give. Foods that are rich in selenium, bran, broccoli, eggs, mushrooms, nuts and basil.

A third of vitamin C

As we know, vitamin C, water-soluble vitamins, is widely known as an antioxidant. Some studies suggest that high doses of vitamin C reduce the risk of prostate cancer, prostatitis and prostate cancer.

Fourth of vitamin D

Vitamin D is also produced by the food and the body and activated by exposure to UV sunlight. Studies show that vitamin can be divided into the D prostate, which can play an important role in preventing prostate cancer and prostate play. Vitamin D deficiency may increase the risk of prostate cancer.

Fifth Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an important contribution to the prevention of prostate cancer because the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and androgen receptor proteins, which are handicapped central to the development of the disease.

F. homeopathic


Chimpaphilia works primarily in the kidney and genitourinary organs affected and mesenteric lymph nodes. Support for the treatment of urinary frequency, burning on urination and prostate tension and irritation.

2.Conium maculatum

Conium maculatum is an excellent measure for the elderly. To improve the growth of prostate, urination, urine flow and relax the prostate and improvement of sexuality.

Third, Hepar sulfur calcareum

Calcareum Hepar sulfur powder is a mixture of oyster shells and pure flower made. You can buy mixes for storage of food and follow the instructions to create your own. Documents calcareum Hepar Sulphur treatment of transport and poor urine flow.

Sabal serrulata Fourth

Sabal serrulata is homeopathic urine and irritability. And “useful in the treatment of enlarged prostate difficult urination, constant urge to urinate, sexual and disability caused.

Fifth Staphylococcus

Staphylococcus is to urinate in the treatment of diseases of the urinary tract, such as for example the urgent need to urinate, inability to feel useful and full bladder is not empty.

Sixth Tuija

The most important activities you need to find genitourinary organs. And “useful for the treatment of prostate, bladder, and distribute the flow of urine.

G. Common Sense Approach

Reduce the first intake of fat and cholesterol, especially saturated fatty acids.

Research shows that if you eat more than 5 doses per week of red meat, may increase the risk of prostate cancer and prostate cancer increased by 80%. Eat less red meat and replace it with cold water fish, you will certainly enough Omega, improve prostate health, it helps reduce cholesterol levels probably aggravate the prostate and prostate cancer.

Second Eat foods containing more zinc (nuts, especially walnuts, pumpkin seeds, safflower seeds and oysters). Zinc is an essential mineral for prostate health. Contribute to reducing the prostate and relieve symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Foods that contain zinc are cucurbitacins to prevent chemicals that move several forms of testosterone and testosterone, which stimulates the prostate cells grow too much. Cucurbitacins food, nuts, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds and oysters.

Third, protecting green tea prostate

Green tea contains catechins, a chemical that helps the immune system recognizes the cancer cells before they cause damage to cells in the prostate.

Fourth, remove all chemicals and pesticides in food (food).

Dealing with toxic chemicals and pesticides in foods our body. Access to higher doses of toxic substances that the immune system and cause an inflammation of the body, including the influence of the prostate.

The fifth increase in the consumption of plants high sulphurophanes

Research shows that it is possible to eat in order to reduce the risk of prostate cancer and BPH 45%, if you have 24 or more servings of vegetables that contain large amounts of sulphurophanes, such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage.

H. Action to maintain a healthy prostate

The first moderate physical activity (eg walking)

We know that half or three quarters of men over 75 have some changes in the prostate cancer. People who do moderate exercise such as walking 2-3 hours per week reduced risk by 25 percent of prostate problems than those who do not. Only a 20-30 minute walk per day can increase the blood flow to the body to the front in order to improve the sexual activity and prostate health.

Another SEAT

And “one who is first and most effective treatments for prostate cancer prostate cancer pain remedies.

The third Yoga

Yoga is very useful for prostate cancer. It also helps to tone the deep pelvic muscles, not the promotion of mobility. Yoga promotes flexibility, mobility and stimulates the liver meridian. In general, yoga can help you more aware of pelvic muscle control.

Fourth Kegels

Kegel exercises, if performed during Virasana, Bhekasana or amphibians, and also promotes a healthy prostate, kidney, and the overall benefit.

Fifth Massage the spine and pelvis
Massage helps the spine and pelvis
a) increasing the blood flow in the prostate and pelvic region.
b) The enhancement of the lymphatic prostate and pelvic region.
c) to decrease the inflammation.

Sixth sexual Alegre

Sex helps increase the mobility of the pelvic floor muscles and blood flow in all organs. As a source of new blood cells, organs and muscles are full of fresh oxygen and hormones, and unused to remove blood, removing waste and toxins from the body, increasing the risk of inflammation of the prostate .

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