Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Bust Prostate Cancer With Chocolate

Chocolate: you can words of most women in good dreams. I am of the composition, taste or the effect that women in love? Perhaps it is that we are bombarded with the message that the chocolate is for you.

Did you know that chocolate was the first idea, gift of the gods? Aztecs and Maya had to find this wonderful treatment. Contrary to what they told me to grow – that chocolate is good for you, now we have chocolate is considered healthy. However, to some extent. These are substances that healthy chocolate are called flavonoids. Owe flavonoids, which help to prevent prostate cancer.

One note, however, too much chocolate is not always good. How can I confirm if you eat too much chocolate occur influences: headaches, stomach problems, and to ban all parents – tooth decay.

Chocolate flavonoids, namely cocoa, is a potent antioxidant effect, which we are procyanidins. At the same compounds found in grape, and green tea. If it is consumed, the circulatory antioxidants, we can increase what is good for health.

There are many different chocolates, but you should not assume that all are equal. white chocolate and milk chocolate – even if they know the terrible – they can not substitute for chocolate. Dark chocolate is better for you. This means that if you are looking for chocolate flavor, always choose at least 70% or more cocoa.

What are antioxidants in chocolate for us? Prevents heart disease, cancer, and our parents DNA damage that can lead to cancer. Also inhibits inflammation and cancer of the prostate are removed to reduce the blood flow that feeds them. There is another aspect of flavonoids – Chocolate flavonoids also help the blood flow in normal vessels. So – think dark chocolate with every bite of a medicine that helps the activities of the competent authority.

Although the error. And chocolate is a gift from the gods is not to replace fruits and vegetables that our bodies are, and have the more care – not just our bodies, but our hopes.

Who knew that chocolate could be good for us.

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