Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Anti-Cancer Diets Provide Your First Line of Defense Against This Terrible Disease

Cancer is one of the most dreaded diseases, because of the devastating impact on all areas of life. So far there is no definitive cure for cancer. Every year millions of dollars to put cancer research in the hope of cures for various cancers. Cancer vaccines and drugs have been developed, but these vaccines and medicines do not cure cancer. Since the cure for cancer is not yet complete, many doctors advise people to focus on oncology and disease prevention. Ultimately, as the old adage “better safe than sorry.” Lifestyle changes, as recommended healthy diet and active lifestyle. Both the East and West agree that the medicine healthy diet will help to prevent cancer. In addition, some experts in cancer prevention diet cancer.

Cancer and diet are closely related, it is estimated that many products can cause cancer, colon cancer in particular. That is why many doctors recommend that people with a family history of cancer, especially healthy eating habits. Many people think that cancer diets are the same as those on a vegetarian diet, many people want to try it. This is not true. There are many types of cancer prevention plan that includes a variety of foods.

One of the best ways to prevent cancer, the consumption of foods high in saturated fat limit. saturated fatty acids is low-density lipoprotein (LDL), which can promote the growth of cancer cells. So if a person eats fatty foods, the liver produces bile to digest fats. Via bile into the intestine will cause apholic acid cancer. Follow a diet low in fat, does not mean that you do not eat meat and other foods containing the fat. This means that people should limit daily intake of fat. Avoid foods, trans fats, like fast food that they are carcinogenic included because it is rich in saturated fatty acids. Many doctors recommend that fat intake should be 20 percent or fewer calories from food. In addition to eating foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, because these products have shown that cancer properties. Fish, vegetables, vegetable oils such as olive and canola oil is rich in omega-3. These are the foods with cancer.

Another cancer diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Several diets against cancer, the disease is highly recommended for the system. It was found that the consumption of fruit and vegetables can reduce all types of cancer. Fruits and vegetables contain natural carcinogens such as blockers indoles, phenols, isothiocyanates, flavonoids, and cumin. Cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli and mustard should be part of the diet because they can reduce the risk of cancer.

Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers. They can prevent their occurrence, a high diet recommended by many experts in cancer therapy. Fibers may contribute to the gut is reduced as soon as possible link between cancer and bowel. Fiber absorbs bile, also cause cancer if it is in the large intestine for a long time. In addition, fiber also promotes the growth of bacteria, which prevent, the development of cancer. Foods rich in fiber are beans, maize, beans, corn and raisins. Breuss cancer diet is very good of colon cancer. The program focuses on the use of, or fresh fruit and vegetable juices. Many people who diet Breuss cancer may have tried to prove their effectiveness.

Who can not imagine what vegetarians need not fear. There are many cancer diets are not entirely of plant origin. Although the nutrition of the plants, the best diet for cancer prevention, meat and fish is still an option. However, red meat should be avoided. Eat lean meats whenever possible. Even if you avoid red meat and seafood on the site. Lean meat contains less saturated fat. Seafood, as I said is rich in Omega 3, which may reduce cancer risk and prevent heart disease and .

James has been writing articles about health issues for over 5 years. Please visit his latest website about cancer at the Cancer Information Center, with help relating to the Anti-Cancer Diets, with straight talk for anyone who is affected by this disease.

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