Tuesday, May 15, 2018

10 Natural Foods to Prevent Cancer

Cancer can strike anyone without permission. This is a deadly disease, which is a nightmare for everyone. Before the attack, you and your health is not now. to eat, exercise and healthy food is the best way to protect against viruses, harassment of her body.

Here are 10 fruits and vegetables that may relate to food by cancer. Begins to be healthy and not suffer.

Oranges first.

This fruit contains vitamin C and plenty of high-cancer agents. It includes more than 170 phytochemical compounds, which consists of more than 20 carotenoids. The interior of the fruit, how it tastes bitter limonoids this function effectively powerful anticancer drugs. Eat on a regular basis for good lung and stomach cancer.

Another strawberries.

The study of nutrition and health of 1271 people, researchers from Harvard School of Health, that the people who can eat the strawberries reduce cancer seventieth% survey found that love and family, where other fruits can prevent cancer, too. You can choose, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, blueberries and red grapes, and violets.

Third berries.

Tomatoes are the fourth.

Rich in vitamin C include tomatoes, lycopene, in addition flavenoid try to move the lung, prostate, cervical and oral cancer.

Fifth spinach

This fee is dark green in vitamin C, beta carotene and folic acid. If you eat two or more per week to reduce heikentymisvaarasta lung and breast.

Sixth Lombard.

Lombard, rich in calcium, but also flavonoids against cancer. Very often you can eat if you want to avoid cancer in your life. Others, such as broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and Chinese cabbage also an effective antidote.

Seventh beets

Not only can red cabbage disease, but the beets. As the red cabbages, which also contains flavonoids.

Eighth beans.

Beans include PIs, which designed to protect the body against cancer. Serve with soy flavones is primarily to reduce the risk of breast cancer to reduce estrogen, anti-tumor effects.

Ninth Road.

It provides large amounts of sulfur, can neutralize the cancer and cancer growth will be lower. Survey of Iowa, is that women who eat garlic weeks cut breast cancer incidence by 32%.

Tenth of the whole wheat.

Whole grain is a part of the diet, include women, the risk of heart disease and breast cancer. So why not eat corn remain at least once a week reduces the risk of cancer and health .

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