Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Turmeric Tea Shows Promise in Anti-Cancer Fight

If you consider that Poland may yellow-orange color that comes to mind almost immediately. This bright color is often associated with sari fabric or the native dress of fire curry dishes, which the country is known.

Yellow is the color of one of the most popular spices in India, turmeric, a key component in many popular cuisine in the peninsula, including the famous curry.

But did you know that offers many health benefits? For centuries, turmeric has been ayurvedic medicine, recognized a powerful antiseptic and antibacterial. Turmeric is often used as an adhesive and is used topically in patients with contusions, wounds, eczema and psoriasis. It was also used to treat people with measles, mumps and chickenpox. It is well known and effective anti-inflammatory properties, and is therefore often used to relieve arthritis pain.

Only one area in which turmeric is a good chance of health prevention and treatment of cancer. He said that people who eat a diet rich in turmeric generally lower breast, lung, colon and prostate cancer appears. Okinawa, where turmeric tea is very popular, people to share about life on average.

This is mainly due to a substance called curcumin. And “popular because of the large curcuminoids spices. Curcumin is an antioxidant polyphenol considers it likely that aid the body’s cells resist damage free radicals.

Studies on mice researchers found, stop that curcumin helped the cancer cells in the lung. United States National Institutes of Health has launched a range of studies commissioned, curcumin treatment of pancreatic cancer, multiple myeloma and colon cancer.

Although turmeric is consumed mainly as part of its integration into the curry, is increasingly in tea drinking. Coffee, 4 cups water in pot. Then add 1 c. Tea. Turmeric and simmer for 80-10 minutes. This is one of curcumin and turmeric extract. Ginger, honey and lemon juice are added to improve the taste of the tea.

So the next time you have a good hot curry dish, remember that the gay yellow spice has a huge potential for prevention, treatment and cure of cancer may. If you can not eat curry every day, you can see the health benefits of turmeric tea, spices, hot .tasty

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