Wednesday, March 28, 2018

CoQ10 Benefits – CoQ10 Benefits For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Studies show that CoQ10 can of chronic fatigue syndrome, in favor of a complex and confusing that it affects a half million people in the United States.

CFS is a devastating and mysterious disease is characterized by a high fatigue do not disappear for the rest. The victims include fatigue and weakness so far that it is impossible tasks on a daily basis, and short-term memory can also be affected. Other symptoms of CFS is a sore throat, glands, muscle and joints and headaches. Some patients with CFS also report swelling, nausea, sweats, chills, blurred vision, dizziness and palpitations.

CFS affects all races and ethnic groups, but more often in women than in men and at the age of 20 and 40, but sometimes it is diagnosed in children and adolescents.

Causes of CFS is unknown, and there is currently no clinical studies to make the diagnosis. Chronic infections, hormonal disturbances and disorders of the immune system, which slammed the factors as possible, and it is believed that in some cases involved at least a couple of triggers.

How does CoQ10 may benefit CFS

Results from several small studies have shown that coenzyme Q10 can play a complementary role to reduce and control CFS. course is found in every cell, coenzyme essential for the immune system and serves as a producer of energy and antioxidants.

CoQ10 is naturally in the mitochondria of the cells to break in a food and convert it into energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) can help. Studies have shown that ATP-deficiency in humans often CFS. can increase blood coenzyme Boost ATP, the more energy is available.

In addition, coenzyme Q10 a powerful antioxidant to prevent and maybe even some to repair cell damage. Antioxidants are substances that the ability of free radicals, unstable molecules chemically pure and neutralize the damage of the cells interact. damage by free radicals involved in numerous health problems and is determined by a malfunction of the immune system, which, according to some experts, known to play a role in the evolution of CFS.

It is believed that the antioxidant properties of coenzyme also able to protect the immune system and help undo the damage has already occurred.

Although no large clinical study measured the effectiveness of coenzyme care or treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome, research and small studies have demonstrated that complement received more than half of CFS patients reported feeling better CoQ10 .

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