Sunday, August 5, 2018

Cut Your Risk of Colon Cancer

Here are some alarming statistics: 100,000 Americans with colorectal cancer are diagnosed in 2009. Of these, about half will die of the disease, making it the third leading cause of cancer deaths. But it is not necessary.

Why do so many people die of cancer? For, unlike other cancers, there are no symptoms until they are well advanced. Rectal cancer, but is an excellent medicine, where the number of diagnosed early.That It is therefore important to have a little time to celebrate 50 years after the colonoscopy.

Are you at risk?

What are the risks? Factors in addition to their control are age and family history of colorectal cancer or polyps. But there are some things you can do to reduce the risk of colon cancer. If you smoke, stop. Is the inhibition of alcohol consumption. More than two drinks per day may cause cancer in people with a family history of the disease.

Lancourt are more at risk. After all, lack of exercise allows the trash to remain in the large intestine. With the speed of the flow of intestinal contents, making the time of possible carcinogenic effect of the large intestine. It also reduces blood levels of insulin to promote tumor growth.

Physical activity helps weight. Men and women suffer twice the risk of colorectal cancer if their waist circumference of 32 cm and 36. Why? overweight people are less active, secrete too much insulin, and often too much “bad” foods.

Good food coma Columbus

Until recently, doctors recommend a diet rich in fiber reduces the risk of colon cancer. Recent studies, however, is not that the fibers or is not working – and if so agreed, the type of fiber the best.

Although the fiber does not prevent colon cancer Grail experts continue to recommend a diet rich in fiber plant foods. Why? Why is there a hidden benefit of the phytochemicals in these foods, such as, for example, antioxidants prevent the cell damage.

Of course, a diet rich in fiber soft stool and helps move waste through the colon. But do not be deceived by the so-called “fiber” foods. It contains many individual fibers or Polydextrose Maltodextrin, can offer real health benefits. Choose complex carbohydrates rich in fiber, like whole grains, fruits and vegetables. I try to eat seven to nine servings a day.

Add, fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains diet is half the battle. There is also a good idea, the amount of red meat to eat impacts. Red meat is rich in saturated fatty acids showed – the author of colon cancer. Meat and well cooked, increase the risk because they may contain cancer-causing substances such as nitrates and heterocyclic amines. Instead, a menu plan with lean poultry and fish. Omega-3 fatty acids in fish may slow or prevent tumor growth. Unsaturated fats in olive oil may be due to the reduction of deoxycholic acid, bile salts, can cause tumors of protection.

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Folic acid is a shining shield when the fight colon cancer. Regardless of food (such as folic acid) or in combination, seems this B-vitamin to DNA damage that can cause cancer, protect. Protection, the more people can be with a family history of the disease.

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