Tuesday, May 29, 2018

A Green Tea Antioxidant Prevents Skin Cancer

Antioxidant in green tea prevents skin cancer by the analysis of polyphenols from Camellia sinensis. Polyphenols are compounds, which is a metabolite of plants and it happens that the antioxidant polyphenols of green tea.

The primary polyphenols responsible for protecting the skin against UV radiation is the sun called epigallocatechin-3-Gallatin. Therefore it can to protect the skin lesions and skin cancer.

Skin cancer is not all that antioxidants in green tea can protect against. Another form of cancer among women is breast cancer and new research has shown that the antioxidants in green tea may be useful to reduce cancer risk from breast cancer.

Studies have also shown that the other benefits of green tea in the region, protection against prostate, colon and stomach.

It is very powerful and very useful for our body, which help us to avoid unpleasant circumstances.

Many people want to drink a cup of green tea per day is good, but I know people who hate to take place the taste and need, green tea extract.

I was a special friend of compensation introduced last year, which includes, among other polyphenols in green tea antioxidants. In the beginning was not very interested in making no allowances and always thought that they are not needed, give me food, nutrition-j “I had to.

I was wrong, and decaffeinated green tea extract, extract contains over 70 ingredients to make the lives of others. No surprises, and I am nothing without them. So the idea of his power, including components such as resveratrol, turmeric, ginkgo biloba, and many others, all carefully mixed, so you need your body the right nutrients to the body balance.

They also help turn back the aging clock so that the antioxidant polyphenols instead got the green tea different energy sources .

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Karen is an holistic therapist, health and nutrition researcher

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