Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Coffee & Cancer Facts

A cup of regular coffee contains many antioxidants that are good for health. Antioxidants are substances in foods that protect the body, many toxins and can even be a pre-emptive development of cancer in the body. Most antioxidants come from plants, coffee is one of them. Studies have shown many advantages over coffee antioxidants. In these studies, studies at various universities, but it is not clear relationship between coffee consumption and the development of cancer in humans, and many believe that the amount of coffee you should eat of antioxidants to benefit cancer, coffee is too high. However, it is shown that moderate coffee consumption may be the cancer risk for coffee drinkers than those who do not drink to reduce coffee. Some types of cancer, which is a lower risk of drinking coffee:

Breast cancer: research had Malam University in Sweden, and the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, that women who drank two cups of coffee a day reduced risk of cancers than women who do not drink the infusion. Cancer prevention properties of caffeine in coffee is coffee, change the carcinogenic effects of sex hormones estrogen components.

Skin cancer: coffee after a walk in the sun, the risk of skin cancer. According to a study in the Journal of Cancer Prevention, coffee consumption, the incidence of skin cancer could be published melanoma in 35% of the air decrease. Antioxidants and coffee has a protective effect on DNA synthesis, which can reduce cell division in the cells.

Liver cancer: Coffee consumption was determined that a deterrent effect on liver cirrhosis at an early stage of liver cancer than those who do not drink coffee, drank 1-2 cups of coffee per day, 50% lower risk of liver cancer at the start is. Caffeine in coffee has proven to be the main cause of liver cancer effect of coffee.

Cancer: You can drink more than five cups of coffee per day, the risk of colon cancer. Increased movement of food through the intestines, help increase the production of coffee, bile acids, which increase to reduce the risk of developing colon cancer. Antioxidants in coffee also play an important role in preventing cell damage .

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