Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Top 7 Anti-Cancer Foods

You may be surprised to hear that some foods are effective against cancer. Researchers continue to find their own abilities and how they work, but it is agreed that protects in some fruits and vegetables actually develop cancer and to slow growth. Here is a list of the first seven:

Turmeric is a yellow Indian curry spice, color, and there are effective against cancer because its active ingredient, is a potent antioxidant curcumin. Studies have shown curcumin to fight against cancer in almost all stages of development. You do not need much to get the maximum benefit if you were very easy to work with the diet.

Garlic has long been known, all cancers, including breast and to fight prostate cancer, but is best known for the control of gastrointestinal tumors. Studies have shown that garlic is consumed less than the risk of gastric cancer. Two of the drugs that fight cancer, Allicin and allyl sulfur helps. It is better to eat garlic, if possible, and when eaten raw, it is advisable to wait about 15 minutes after the peeling, cutting or crushing the garlic to get the full effect. You can also eat food with garlic, but make sure they are suitable for the protection of public utilities.

Onions are another type of “Allium” vegetables such as garlic, which have reduced the incidence of cancer and studies have shown that people consume, large amounts of garlic and onions have a lower risk of developing cancer.

Cranberries, blueberries, raspberries and acaiberries compounds that fight many types of cancer to destroy cancer cells or self-destruction. The test is so strong that the researchers focused to fight against cancer.

Green tea contains catechins are known to prevent and reduce the risk of certain cancers. It is recommended that two cups per day, can take full advantage of this protection against cancer. University of Mississippi Studies have shown that a chemical called EGCG prevents growth of breast cancer.

Soy genistein as active ingredients, the phytoestrogens fight against cancer. Full use of power soya cancer consume about 50 grams of the first two and the total (called edamame) or grilled tofu and soy.

Broccoli has been recently used as a slow growth of prostate cancer in men, when four times a week, a British study voted. The study also showed cancer properties of cabbage, Brussels sprouts and vegetables, such as .

Jayan writes about yoga, health and food. If you like this article, please visit him at Tortilla Press and Tortilla Maker.

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